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Parking at Northwest

Parking Permit

Parking permits are available to purchase August 1 for the upcoming school year. The previous year’s permits expire August 31.

Students and employees must register vehicles, 在获得校园停车许可之前,不要在网上骑摩托车.

During business hours the first week of classes, 年度许可证可在行政大楼一楼领取.

All permits (annual, temporary, visitor, etc.),供市民于24小时前往位于大学公园路支援服务大楼的大学警务处领取, 7 days a week.

Cost of Parking Permits

All parking permits expire on August 31. 停车许可证的费用取决于购买的日期. 学生和员工每年只需要购买一次停车许可证.

Permit Fall Spring Summer

Student Decal/Hangtag




Employee Decal/Hangtag




Motorcycle/Scooter Decal




Visitors Parking On Campus

和记棋牌娱乐欢迎所有访客来到校园,并要求学生和员工在访客到达校园之前获得停车证. Visitors are defined as anyone who is not a current student or employee. 大学警察局每周7天,每天24小时提供免费访客许可证.



Parking and Traffic Policies

Statement of Policy


在校园内停车需要和记棋牌娱乐的停车许可证. 购买和展示有效的停车许可证并不能保证一个特定的停车位. 找到一个有效的停车位是车辆驾驶员的唯一责任. 这些规定适用于大学社区的所有成员, which shall include, but is not limited to, students, faculty, staff, visitors, and vendors.


A. General

  1. A vehicle is defined as a self-propelled vehicle, electric and/or gas-powered, for use upon a roadway. Vehicles must adhere to state and campus regulations.
  2. 所有使用大学停车设施的车辆必须正确显示当前的西北停车许可证. 车辆的登记车主须负责对车辆发出的任何传票.
  3. 对于停放在校园内的车辆,学校概不负责.
  4. 损坏车辆的车主或操作员必须立即通知大学警察局,否则车辆将被拖走和/或开罚单,费用由车主承担. 造成安全隐患的报废车辆必须立即移走. 不构成安全隐患的报废车辆必须在24小时内移走.
  5. Any repairs made to vehicles which will create a nuisance, safety hazard, or cause property damage shall not be performed on campus. Violators are subject to revocation of parking privileges and permit.
  6. 通勤学生或雇员如欲登记多于一辆车辆,须发给吊牌. Multiple permits will not be issued, except with motorcycles, scooters, and/or apartment permit holders.
  7. 任何人士如需临时泊车,请联络大学警务处,以便作出适当安排.
  8. A red curb and/or sign designates a loading zone. All loading zones have a 15-minute parking limit. Curbs painted yellow are no parking zones. Docks are not for general loading and unloading; they are designed for commercial deliveries.
  9. “未能正确展示许可证(吊牌或贴花)”的违例警告,” failure to report change of vehicle,和“未注册或出示许可证”是每学期上课的前三天. All other traffic and parking violations are enforced.
  10. 为了使用大学的停车设施,需要西北停车许可证.
  11. A vehicle shall be registered to one person only.
  12. 未经授权部门领导批准,禁止使用个人车辆办理学校事务.
  13. 校园内有6个电动汽车充电点,分别位于20号和59号地块. 非电动车辆禁止在指定车位内停放.

B. Visitors

  1. 访客是指校园内的客人,他不是大学的现任学生或雇员.
  2. Visitors may park in any visitor, resident, commuter, 或在取得访客许可并在车辆上显示后,在校园内的教职员工停车位.
  3. 访客停车许可证可在大学警察局在大学公园路的支持服务大楼24小时提供, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
  4. 校园活动:主持人和协调员可以通过大学警察局为访客获得访客许可,并提供访客的姓名, vehicle information and contact information. For large groups of visitors, e-permits can be requested from at least two weeks in advance of the event.
  5. 除非大学警察另有规定,访客停车许可证的有效期最多为三(3)天.

C. Operation of Vehicle

  1. Observe all campus traffic and parking signs. Posted signs shall supersede this written policy.
  2. 校园内的最高限速是每小时20英里,停车场的最高限速是每小时15英里,除非另有说明. Violators are subject to University citation.
  3. 州和城市机动车和交通法规包含在大学的机动车法规中,管理大学校园内车辆的使用.
  4. 任何人不得绕过或越过为控制交通或停车而设置的路障, or to alter, deface, remove or destroy any traffic or parking control device.
  5. 车辆操作员须遵从大学警务人员(声音)的指示, gesture, or whistle).
  6. Vehicles shall not be parked against the flow of traffic. 除非大学警察批准,否则车辆不得在人行道上行驶.

D. Parking Areas

  1. 住宿学生停车只允许在指定为“住宿学生停车场”的区域.” A resident parking permit is required in those areas. A resident is defined as a student who is assigned to University housing.
  2. Resident parking is reserved from 12 A.M. to 5 P.M. daily. 在居民专用停车场和车位停车时,需持居民或访客许可证.
  3. 通勤学生停车只允许在指定的“通勤学生停车”区域.” A displayed permit is required in these areas. 通勤学生被定义为住在校外,通勤到大学上课的学生.
  4. Faculty/Staff and Commuter student parking is restricted 7 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise posted.
  5. 教职员工停车只允许在指定为“教职员工停车”的区域.” A faculty/staff permit is required in these areas.
  6. 只有持有国家颁发的残疾人专用牌照或者吊牌的车辆,才能在残疾人专用车位停放. A Northwest parking permit is also required.
  7. No vehicle shall display more than one current Northwest parking permit, unless the owner resides in Northwest apartment housing.
  8. 为特殊许可证(如生活、服务车辆等)指定的泊车位.) are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
  9. 摩托车、踏板车应当停放在标识和停车场专用线指定的区域. 摩托车和滑板车必须出示有效的西北停车许可证才能在校园内停车.
  10. 森林村公寓(地段32)禁止在午夜至下午5点之间停车.m. daily unless stated by signage within the lot.

E. Restricted Parking

  1. 西北地区的停车场和停车位可能会因大学活动和/或其他目的而受到限制. (For instance, lot 59 is restricted for home football games.)
  2. 所有未在规定时间内搬离限制停车场或车位的车辆可被引证并拖走,费用由车主承担.

F. Permits

  1. All Northwest parking permits are available at the Cashiering Office, located in room 111 of the Administration Building. 临时停车许可证和访客停车许可证24小时可在大学公园路支援服务大楼的大学警察局领取, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
  2. All academic permits expire on August 31 of each year.
  3. 临时泊车证适用于在校园内停放未登记车辆的有效泊车证持有人. Temporary permits are valid for a maximum of two (2) weeks. Please contact University Police if an extension is necessary.
  4. No refunds will be issued for parking permits reported lost or stolen. 许可证所有人应负责购买替代许可证. 许可证丢失或被盗应立即报告给大学警察. 如许可证遗失或被盗,如未能妥善报告,可能会导致许可证持有人对签发给许可证的任何或所有传票负责.
  5. 未经依法登记的车辆所有人许可,任何人不得在校内登记他人的车辆.
  6. 停车许可证只能在已登记的车辆上展示.
  7. 未在车辆上正确显示停车许可证的,将因未正确显示停车许可证而受到传票.
  8. 在大学兼职担任教职员的学生没有资格获得教职员许可证.

G. Special Permits

  1. 任何非大学学生或员工使用校园服务超过三(3)天的人都可以购买非学术停车许可证. Contact the UPD at 660.562.1254 for details.
  2. 所有供应商和承包商都必须在大学警察局登记他们的车辆并获得停车证.
  3. 大学停车设施只限参加大学活动的人员使用, activities or business on campus.

H. Display of Permit in Vehicle

  1. 贴花(贴纸)停车许可证应完全贴在乘客侧挡风玻璃的下部,可见, with the permit number visible, and by its own adhesive.
  2. 悬挂式停车许可证将显示在车辆的后视镜上,通过前挡风玻璃可以清楚地看到所有信息.
  3. 摩托车和踏板车许可证将被张贴在显眼的地方,车牌号码清晰可见.

I. Replacement of Parking Permits

  1. 许可证持有人如果没有资格获得停车特权,必须取消许可证并将其提供给大学警察.
  2. When transferring a vehicle, before a no-charge replacement permit will be issued, the old permit must be presented at the Cashiering Office. If you are unable to recover the permit for any reason, 下列任何一项将被接纳为许可证不可收回的证明:
    1. a copy of the bill of sale
    2. transfer of title
    3. 事故报告显示挡风玻璃损坏或车辆全毁
    4. other appropriate documentation

J. Payment of Fines

  1. 罚款应在网上或在行政大楼的账户服务处缴纳.
  2. All citations issued are subject to billing.
  3. Failure to pay fines may result in withholding of transcripts, class registration, and/or formal collection efforts.

K. Appeal Processes

  1. If a vehicle operator receives a citation written in error, 他们可向交通及泊车上诉委员会提出上诉,并填妥网上表格 上诉必须在传票发出之日起五(5)天内提交. Late appeals may not be considered. 交通和停车申诉委员会将通过电子邮件沟通决定.
  2. If a registered vehicle owner receives a bill for a citation in error,
    they may complete a billing complaint form online at 该表格必须在账单日期后的五(5)个工作日内提交. Late forms may not be considered.

L. Revocation

  1. 大学警察部门可以暂停或取消司机的停车特权,违规超过12在许可证年度(9月11日). 1–Aug. 31).
  2. 所有由大学警察局作出的撤销将在发出撤销令的许可证年度的剩余时间内有效, or as otherwise noted.
  3. 学生事务处可通过学生与学院纪律委员会撤销停车特权.
  4. 支付或上诉任何交通罚单不免除一个标准的撤销程序.

M. Towing and Immobilization Policy

  1. Vehicles may be towed or immobilized for the following reasons:
    1. parking on campus after a permit has been revoked
    2. 每辆车辆在许可证年度内累计违章12次或以上
    3. blocking fire lanes or fire hydrants
    4. obstruction of pedestrian or traffic lanes or creating a hazard
    5. abandoned vehicle
    6. blocking loading zones
    7. blocking or impeding snow removal
    8. parking in a handicap designated area
    9. parking in a reserved or blocked off area
    10. not properly displaying campus registration
    11. 当大学警务人员认为为安全需要拖拽或固定车辆时, security or any campus operation

N. Traffic Enforcement

  1. 根据密苏里州修订法规,大学警察将对校园道路上发生的违反密苏里州通用机动车法和大学政策的行为进行执法, HB 307, Sections 174.703.2, 174.709, and 174.这样的违章行为将产生与发生在玛丽维尔市街道上同样的效果. 传票将通过西北和密苏里州二级法院发布和收集.

Parking and Traffic Fines

Parking violations

1. Parking in a handicap reserved space $100
2. Towing $100
3. Parking by a fire hydrant or in a fire lane $50
4. Parking on grass $50
5. Remove, alter or destroy a parking control device $50
6. Parking which creates a safety hazard $50
7. Parking in a "No Parking Zone" (yellow lines or curbs) $30
8. Parking on roadways or crosswalks $50
9. Parking on curb or sidewalk $50
10. Failure to properly display permit (hangtag or decal) $30
11. Failure to report change of vehicle $30
12. Parking in loading zone $30
13. Parking in a reserved area $30
14. Failure to register or display a permit $30
15. Other $30

Traffic Violations

16. Failure to observe traffic control device $50
17. Wrong way on one way street $50
18. Careless and imprudent driving $50
19. Speeding $50
29. Other $50